Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Funk

I have a confession to make. Despite the holiday season we are enjoying, I am in a funk. I know. I know. It's the day after Thanksgiving. My heart should be overwhelmed with gratitude. But it's not. In fact, my attitude smells like rotten eggs right now. Why, you ask? Several contributing circumstances could be listed. I am behind on my grading, even though I have been working every free chance I can. The computer, which I was so eagerly hoping to replace with a Black Friday laptop today (yeah, that didn't happen), has me wanting to commit electronic homicide. I even find myself talking to it, as it if it's primarily function is just to frustrate me. I am overwhelmed, overworked, and overstimulated, and my hormones are probably not helping either. So, I come at this p0sting with an grumbling spirit, and a pitiful attitude that says, "When do I get a break?" Yes, I am dealing with jealousy. Why is it that everyone else gets more than one day off for Thanksgiving, but as a full-time working mom, I barely even get that? Why is that the job you get recognized for the least, with no pay raise (heck, you don't even get a paycheck) and no vacation time, and no weekends, is the job that every says, "Oh, you're just a stay-at-home mom." And why is it that the students that should be most appreciative of the opportunity to go to a Christian University (yes, Christian) can be the most whiny, entitled students I deal with.

Okay. OKay. I am going to close my eyes and reassess. I don't want to become a hypocrite, and no one likes a whiner. SO, I am here to say that despite how I feel right now, I have an amazing life. Yes, being a mom is draining, tough, often times, thankless. But would I trade it? NEVER. I am blessed that I could have our daughter. I am thankful for a job that allows me to stay home, that surrounds me with godly professors who support and challenge me. I am thankful for the chance to do something I love, something I am paid for. I am thankful for a husband who cares,... really cares. For a family who is fun, yes, fun to be around. LOVE those Hanleys. I am thankful for health (...albeit more physical than mental these days) ;) and sleep (I get more than I used to), and the hope of a Savior who doesn't give up on me (even though He has every right to). I am thankful for my computer (that although it drives me insane, it still allows me to get my job complete). I am thankful for sunshine, warmer weather, sweet kisses, chocolate, homemade bread, books, laughter, card games, and hope. So, forgive me for my rotten attitude; it is sweetening up a little. :)


  1. It happens to the best of us, and I am proud of your effort to climb out of the pit despite what you may feel like doing. I did see your hubby at Wal-Mart at 5 was insane!

  2. If it would make you feel any better, you can come over and work out your frustrations on our elliptical :)

  3. Thanks! I may take you up on that offer; so glad you were able to get one. Hope your weekend is restful.

  4. oh, to count our blessings. oh, to choose to not be overwhelmed by the many frustrations and obstacles that bar our way. oh, trust me, i know. :) you are a treasure with an amazing gift for the written word. keep writing. it's good for the soul. ...and mine too. hugs.

  5. Oh, thanks, Heather. Sometimes when you only have a handful of followers and minimal comments, you wonder if the words are really purposeful to anyone but yourself. Thanks for the encouragement.
