Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

Sunday, my daughter and I shared some girl date time shopping and enjoying a very un-needed dose of sugar. Over pastry at Panera I asked her what her resolutions were for the year. Being seven years old, she needed to first receive the definition of "resolution" and I teased her, "You don't really have to have any." For truly, I really do "resolute" anymore myself. [ahem...I'm sitting at the computer with a bowl of Fritos--but in my defense, I did exercise this morning].

Still, with little contemplation she responded, "I'd like to read my Bible more, like in the morning before I get out of bed."  Now, before you start acclaiming my daughter as an angel, let me assure you she has her flaws: habitual arguing and sneaky deceptiveness being two biggies.

Even so, I encouraged her desires and felt some conviction of my own.

I try to stay diligent in my top priorities so that they don't have to be realigned come the first week of January, but it's always good to assess my purpose and my follow-through.

*Exercise regularly (for me this is usually 5x a week)
*Avoid sugar (yeah, that one slipped over the last few weeks)
*Date my husband (53 dates last year!)
*Read my Bible and talk to God continually
*Live life with purpose (choose the "Best yes"--thanks Lysa Terkeurst)

And it isn't on my list, but it's always been part of my lifestyle: take time to read.

These books are on the reading list this year:

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