Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My Summer Reading List

Great books help you understand, and they help you feel understood.

–John Green

1. I haven't read anything by Ted Dekker for a long time (THR3E was hard to top), but I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the shifting perspectives it gave on a time and place we usually only see through Biblical eyes.

2. Mitch Albom's work always makes me think, but somehow he manages to tell an interesting story too. His novels are usually on the shorter side and carry these little philosophical nuggets I love to ponder.

3. I've read Jeannette Walls' other books, but I haven't ventured into this one yet. Her poignant subject matter will break your heart but also renew a sense of gratitude and purpose in life.

4. I know virtually nothing about this book, but the author is a preacher/lawyer and is known to carry a Grisham-style thriller. So, we'll see.


5. I'd highly recommend A Praying Life by Paul Miller: few books have turned my ideas on their head and brought such a motivating--yet-guiltless--challenge to pray differently. His book has renewed my understanding and purpose and given me some great insights into Jesus' prayers and the heart of the Father.

6.  C. S. Lewis said, "If I find in myself a desire which no experience can satisfy, the most logical explanation is that I was made for another world."  This idea has always stuck with me, churning up hope after this ache leaves me longing for something more--something other.  I haven't started McLeroy's book, but her title intrigues me.

7. I'm about 1/3 through Payne's book. He gives practical ways we can help our children through their "soul fevers" and live life with the goals we have in mind for our family's passion and purpose. Summary so far: de-clutter toys, clothes, stuff, de-clutter your schedule, and filter out the adult burdens and technological stimuli. In other words: reduce.

8. I haven't started this book yet, but I definitely have a powerful child...if not two (ahem, some days three). lol... Just kidding. Kinda.

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book.

–Author Unknown

Feel free to post your own book suggestions: I love to see what people are reading and get ideas!

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