Exodus Cry has created the Red-Light Prayer Initiative in an effort to see red-light districts across the world transformed. We’re challenging you to pray for the Kingdom of God to come in the red-light districts every time you’re stopped at a red light.
Why prayer?
- For justice – God promised to release justice in response to day and night prayer.
And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily…” Luke 18:7-8
- Anyone can pray – Our hope is that through the simple means of prayer we can grow an organic movement that spreads across the earth in which day and night prayer for the ending of human trafficking and slavery would emerge from every city on the earth.
- A focused network – The combined, corporate, targeted prayers of saints around the world will produce a mighty prayer cannon to assault the powers of darkness that hover over our cities and enslave our women and children.
- Beholding and becoming – As we posture our hearts to gaze upon Jesus in prayer, our hearts are dynamically connected to His heart. This is where we receive the divine empowering we need to walk out our prayers in tangible ways as we pursue God’s vision of setting the captives free and healing the brokenhearted (Isa. 61:1)
Commitments to Join the Exodus Cry Prayer Watch
- A once per week, one-hour prayer meeting focused on the ending of human trafficking.
- Join our Monday 8pm (CST) intercession set for the end of human trafficking live, online at www.ihop.org. We encourage joining this prayer meeting weekly as a means of establishing greater unity and focus throughout our network. If you are unable to join live online you can also find the archive at www.ihop.org. Search for “Monday 8pm Intercession”.
- To the best of your ability map out the strategic strongholds in your city, such as: brothels, strip clubs, asian massage parlors, and other places of sexual exploitation. Then pray for those strongholds to be torn down.
The Network
- Prayer Bulletin – Each month we will send out a prayer bulletin highlighting our prayer focuses and activities.Click here to sign up.
Taken from Exodus Cry http://exoduscry.com/prayer/
Take some time to pray today.
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